Task 3: Dish Recognition

We start the second task in the capstone project with standard step of Data Science: data preparation. Particularly we are going to load JSON file as Apache Spark DataFrame (https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/sql-programming-guide.html) and extract all reviews that belong to businesses in the category 'American (New)'. The result we're going to write to txt file in order to pass through SegPhrase framework.

In [2]:
from pyspark.sql import SQLContext
from pyspark.sql.functions import udf, col, lit
from pyspark.sql.types import BooleanType

basePath = 'dataminingcapstone-001'
workingDir = os.path.join(os.curdir, basePath)

In [219]:
sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)

targetDir = os.path.join(workingDir, 'yelp_dataset_challenge_academic_dataset')

businessJSON = os.path.join(targetDir, 'yelp_academic_dataset_business.json')
businessDF = sqlContext.read.json(businessJSON)

reviewsJSON = os.path.join(targetDir, 'yelp_academic_dataset_review.json')
reviewsDF = sqlContext.read.json(reviewsJSON)

contains = udf(lambda xs, val: val in xs, BooleanType())
restaurantsDF = businessDF[contains(businessDF.categories, lit(u'American (New)'))]

selectedReviewsDF = reviewsDF.join(restaurantsDF,\
                                       restaurantsDF.business_id == reviewsDF.business_id)    
rewiewsRDD = selectedReviewsDF.select("text").map(lambda x: x.text)

In [220]:
from string import maketrans

reviewsIt = rewiewsRDD.toLocalIterator()
reviewsFile = os.path.join(workingDir, 'american.txt')

count = 0
with open(reviewsFile, 'w') as f:
    for line in reviewsIt:
        line = ' '.join(line.encode('utf-8').split())
        count += 1
print 'total written lines: {}'.format(count)

total written lines: 94183

The first result of SegPhrase framework is in salinet.csv file. We need only first 10,000 phrases.

In [ ]:
import csv

salientCSV = os.path.join(workingDir, 'salient.csv')
submissionFile = os.path.join(workingDir, 'submission.txt')

with open(submissionFile, 'w') as out, open(salientCSV, 'rb') as csvfile:
    i = 0
    salientReader = csv.reader(csvfile)
    for row in salientReader:
        out.write(row[0].replace('_', ' '))
        i += 1
        if i >= 10000:
            print row

Now let's analyse what is the distrubution of phrases in the result file. To do that we're going to parse strings from the file and draw a simple line chart.

In [4]:
import csv

salientCSV = os.path.join(workingDir, 'salient.csv')

with open(salientCSV, 'rb') as csvfile:
    salientReader = csv.reader(csvfile)

    ngrams = [(row[0].replace('_', ' '), float(row[1])) for row in salientReader]

In [5]:
import numpy as np

data = np.array([item[1] for item in ngrams])

print data

[  9.99428406e-01   9.99387392e-01   9.99376107e-01 ...,   3.05813000e-05
   3.05813000e-05   3.05813000e-05]

In [10]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.plot(data, color='r')

plt.xlabel('ngram index')

plt.title('score of ngrams')

plt.gcf().set_size_inches(23.5, 12.5)


Enrich the labels from external sources

Add list of hamburgers

In [159]:
import requests
from pyquery import PyQuery

response = requests.get('https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hamburgers')
jQuery = PyQuery(response.content)

list_of_dishes = []
for i in jQuery("table.wikitable.sortable tr td:nth-child(1)"):
    if i.text == None:
        i = i.find('a')

Add list of American sandwiches

In [10]:
import requests
from pyquery import PyQuery

response = requests.get('https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sandwiches')
jQuery = PyQuery(response.content)

for i in jQuery("div ul li a"):
    if i != None and i.text != None:
        print i.text.lower() + ' sandwich'

hard boiled eggs sandwich
egg salad sandwich
fried sandwich
scrambled egg sandwich
roe spread sandwich
eggs benedict sandwich
hollandaise sauce sandwich
list of american sandwiches sandwich
list of hamburgers sandwich
list of submarine sandwich restaurants sandwich
sandwich bread sandwich
african sandwich
american sandwich
southern united states sandwich
arab dishes sandwich
argentine sandwich
bangladeshi sandwich
brazilian sandwich
burmese sandwich
chadian sandwich
chinese sandwich
colombian sandwich
cuban sandwich
ecuadorian sandwich
english sandwich
ethiopian sandwich
filipino sandwich
french sandwich
german sandwich
greek sandwich
hawaiian sandwich
hungarian sandwich
indian sandwich
indonesian sandwich
irish sandwich
israeli sandwich
italian sandwich
sicilian sandwich
jamaican sandwich
japanese sandwich
jewish sandwich
jordan sandwich
korean sandwich
malaysian sandwich
maltese sandwich
mexican sandwich
moroccan sandwich
nepalese dishes sandwich
nigeria sandwich
pakistani sandwich
palestinian sandwich
peruvian sandwich
polish sandwich
romanian sandwich
russian sandwich
sami dishes sandwich
scottish sandwich
spanish sandwich
thai sandwich
tunisian sandwich
turkish sandwich
ukrainian sandwich
uzbek sandwich
venezuelan sandwich
vietnamese sandwich
barbecue dishes sandwich
breakfast foods sandwich
beverages sandwich
cereals sandwich
butters sandwich
casserole dishes sandwich
chocolate-covered foods sandwich
christmas dishes sandwich
coconut milk sandwich
coffee dishes sandwich
deep fried foods sandwich
delicacies sandwich
dips sandwich
dried foods sandwich
fermented foods sandwich
soy products sandwich
foods made from maple sandwich
gravies sandwich
hot sauces sandwich
military foods sandwich
onion dishes sandwich
pancakes sandwich
pasta dishes sandwich
pastries sandwich
pickled foods sandwich
fruit sandwich
pies, tarts and flans sandwich
porridges sandwich
puddings sandwich
rolled foods sandwich
sauces sandwich
dessert sandwich
smoked foods sandwich
soul food sandwich
soups sandwich
blood sandwich
cheese sandwich
fish and seafood sandwich
soy-based foods sandwich
steamed foods sandwich
stews sandwich
street foods sandwich
sushi and sashimi ingredients sandwich
tomato dishes sandwich
tortilla-based dishes sandwich
twice-baked foods sandwich
yogurt-based sandwich
hors d'oeuvre sandwich
tapas sandwich
almond dishes sandwich
breads sandwich
buns sandwich
flatbreads sandwich
quick breads sandwich
rolls sandwich
sweet breads sandwich
crackers sandwich
dumplings sandwich
fried dough foods sandwich
legume dishes sandwich
maize dishes sandwich
noodle dishes sandwich
noodles sandwich
pasta sandwich
rice dishes sandwich
fried rice sandwich
tofu dishes sandwich
butter dishes sandwich
cheese dishes sandwich
cheeses sandwich
brined sandwich
apple sandwich
banana sandwich
eggplant sandwich
lemon sandwich
plum sandwich
potato sandwich
salads sandwich
cod sandwich
crab sandwich
fish head sandwich
fish sauces sandwich
fish stews sandwich
fried fish sandwich
herring sandwich
raw fish sandwich
salmon sandwich
shrimp sandwich
bacon sandwich
beef sandwich
shredded beef sandwich
steak sandwich
chicken sandwich
egg sandwich
goat sandwich
hamburgers sandwich
kebabs sandwich
lamb sandwich
meatballs sandwich
pork sandwich
sausages sandwich
dishes sandwich
veal sandwich
bacon sandwich
meat sandwich
brand name sandwich
by country sandwich
cakes sandwich
candies sandwich
cookies sandwich
desserts sandwich
custard sandwich
doughnuts sandwich
pastries sandwich
poppy seed sandwich
pies, tarts and flans sandwich
american sandwich
british sandwich
indian sandwich
pakistani sandwich
american sandwich
british sandwich
cornish sandwich
dutch sandwich
french sandwich
german sandwich
greek sandwich
irish sandwich
italian sandwich
polish sandwich
spanish sandwich
swiss sandwich
accompaniments to french fries sandwich
indian sandwich
japanese sandwich
pakistani sandwich
american sandwich
argentine sandwich
bangladeshi sandwich
brazilian sandwich
british sandwich
chinese sandwich
french sandwich
german sandwich
indian sandwich
italian sandwich
japanese sandwich
korean sandwich
tteok sandwich
pakistani sandwich
philippine sandwich
polish sandwich
romanian sandwich
russian sandwich
sri lankan sandwich
thai sandwich
turkish sandwich
chinese sandwich
french sandwich
german sandwich
indonesian sandwich
italian sandwich
japanese sandwich
pakistani sandwich
spanish sandwich
american sandwiches sandwich
indian snack foods sandwich
japanese snacks sandwich
pakistani snacks sandwich
vietnamese specialities sandwich
lists of foods sandwich
sandwiches sandwich
world cuisine sandwich
articles needing additional references from february 2013 sandwich
all articles needing additional references sandwich
all articles with unsourced statements sandwich
articles with unsourced statements from april 2013 sandwich
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log in sandwich
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Add list of American bread

In [161]:
import requests
from pyquery import PyQuery

response = requests.get('https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_American_breads')
jQuery = PyQuery(response.content)

for i in jQuery("div.mw-content-ltr ul:nth-child(11) li a:first-child"):
    if i != None and i.text != None:

Add list of American cheese

In [162]:
import requests
from pyquery import PyQuery

response = requests.get('https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_American_cheeses')
jQuery = PyQuery(response.content)

#mw-content-text > ul:nth-child(9) > li:nth-child(1) > a
for i in jQuery("div.mw-content-ltr ul:nth-child(9) li a:first-child"):
    if i != None and i.text != None:

In [168]:
labelFile = os.path.join(workingDir, 'american.label')

with open(labelFile, 'a') as out:
    for i in list_of_dishes:
        out.write('{}\t{}\n'.format(i.encode('utf-8'), '1'))

In [190]:
import csv

salientCSV = os.path.join(workingDir, 'salient2.csv')

with open(salientCSV, 'rb') as csvfile:
    salientReader = csv.reader(csvfile)

    ngrams = [(row[0].replace('_', ' '), float(row[1])) for row in salientReader]

In [191]:
import numpy as np

data = np.array([item[1] for item in ngrams])

print data

[  9.97745837e-01   9.97408504e-01   9.97320441e-01 ...,   2.22312000e-05
   2.22312000e-05   2.22312000e-05]

In [192]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.plot(data, color='r')

plt.xlabel('ngram index')

plt.title('score of ngrams')

plt.gcf().set_size_inches(23.5, 12.5)


In [5]:
import csv

salientCSV = os.path.join(workingDir, 'salient2.csv')
submissionFile = os.path.join(workingDir, 'submission2.txt')

dishes = []
with open(submissionFile, 'w') as out, open(salientCSV, 'rb') as csvfile:
    i = 0
    salientReader = csv.reader(csvfile)
    for row in salientReader:
        dish = row[0].replace('_', ' ').replace('the ', '').replace('a ', '')
        i += 1
        if i >= 10000:
            print row

['the_main_ingredient', '0.2164634619']

In [4]:
import string

remove_punctuation_map = dict((ord(char), None) for char in string.punctuation)
wordsRDD = rewiewsRDD.map(lambda x: x.translate(remove_punctuation_map).lower()).map(lambda row: row.split(" "))

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-4-c5a44429e126> in <module>()
      3 remove_punctuation_map = dict((ord(char), None) for char in string.punctuation)
----> 4 wordsRDD = rewiewsRDD.map(lambda x: x.translate(remove_punctuation_map).lower()).map(lambda row: row.split(" "))

NameError: name 'rewiewsRDD' is not defined

In [198]:
from pyspark.mllib.feature import Word2Vec

word2vec = Word2Vec()
model = word2vec.fit(wordsRDD)

In [218]:
words = ['hotdog', 'potato', 'benedict', 'pudding', 'cake', 'burger', 'sandwich', 'salad']

for word in words:
    print 'synonyms for word: \'{}\''.format(word)
    synonyms = model.findSynonyms(word, 4)
    for synonym, cosine_distance in synonyms:
        print("\t{}: {}".format(synonym.encode('utf-8'), cosine_distance))

synonyms for word: 'hotdog'
	coney: 0.573703055271
	brat: 0.570953088025
	igby: 0.548325171401
	bratwurst: 0.544862319612
synonyms for word: 'potato'
	potatoe: 2.61149656319
	pototoes: 2.36363775867
	shoestring: 2.303864645
	fries: 2.21013886467
synonyms for word: 'benedict'
	scrambled: 2.17427912151
	eggs: 2.07123057532
	benny: 2.05913604721
	poached: 2.0306207359
synonyms for word: 'pudding'
	monkey: 2.92108109017
	banana: 2.51004236852
	toffee: 2.49030032025
	cinnamon: 2.46451821869
synonyms for word: 'cake'
	molten: 2.27096081837
	brownie: 2.23950596533
	lava: 2.1807438547
	chocolate: 2.16466717983
synonyms for word: 'burger'
	patty: 1.26957582773
	hamburger: 1.23061162685
	: 1.1713456998
	kobe: 1.10203355336
synonyms for word: 'sandwich'
	panini: 1.7340248868
	sandwhich: 1.729340555
	wrap: 1.65246206304
	fajita: 1.58707608462
synonyms for word: 'salad'
	ceasar: 1.68157890172
	caesar: 1.61508663488
	wedge: 1.54579499421
	saladfresh: 1.54419249867

In [217]:
sandwich_matches = [x for x in dishes if 'sandwich' in x]
for s in sandwich_matches:
    print s.replace('sandwich', 'panini')

chicken panini
steak panini
pulled pork panini
club panini
brisket panini
cuban panini
ice cream panini
panini with sweet potato fries
turkey panini
bahn mi panini
salad panini
panini bread
veggie panini
grilled cheese paninies
grilled veggie panini
prime rib panini
prosciutto panini
meatloaf panini
portobello panini
buffalo chicken panini
fried egg panini
french dip panini
turkey club panini
short rib grilled cheese panini
chicken salad panini
grilled cheese panini
ruben panini
rosemary chicken panini
corned beef panini
chicken pesto panini
eggplant panini
beer bread paninies
mahi panini
ham panini
short rib panini
cranberry panini
chicken paninies
cheesesteak panini
salmon panini
caprese panini
the portobello mushroom panini
biloxi buttermilk fried chicken panini
mahi mahi panini
crispy chicken panini
egg panini
half panini
breakfast paninies
philly panini
pita panini
turkey pastrami panini
vietnamese panini
cajun chicken panini
bbq pork panini
philly cheese steak panini
crab cake panini
tri tip panini
fish panini
tenderloin panini
pressed panini
chicken club panini
blt panini
tan tan chicken panini
vegetable panini
spicy chicken panini
truffled egg panini
italian beef panini
tuna salad panini
fried chicken panini
the turkey pastrami panini
panini panini
egg salad panini
beef brisket panini
cubano panini
panini combo
burgers and paninies
the ahi tuna panini
club paninies
ice cream paninies
tuna panini
paninies burgers
roast beef panini with
brown bag chicken panini
pulled pork paninies
the truffled egg panini
free range chicken panini
the brown bag chicken panini
grilled chicken panini
grilled cheese panini with
reuben panini
breakfast panini
fried bologna panini
roast beef panini
pulled pork panini with
paninies and salads
salads and paninies
cheese panini
pastrami panini
carnitas panini
the crab cake panini
pork tenderloin panini
grilled chicken panini with
picnic panini
the roast beef panini
the portobello panini
chicken avocado panini
portabella panini
ham and cheese panini
a pulled pork panini
the casablanca chicken panini
the rosemary chicken panini
crab panini
pork panini
a french dip panini
the pulled pork panini
chicken and waffle panini
walleye panini
the prime rib panini
dip panini
italian panini
the fried chicken panini
the buffalo chicken panini
bbq panini
pulled pork panini and
the grilled cheese panini
chicken panini with
the chicken salad panini
meatball panini
panini with fries

In [ ]:
import csv

salientCSV = os.path.join(workingDir, 'salient3.csv')
submissionFile = os.path.join(workingDir, 'dishes.txt')

dishes = []
with open(submissionFile, 'w') as out, open(salientCSV, 'rb') as csvfile:
#    out.write('American\n')
    i = 0
    salientReader = csv.reader(csvfile)
    for row in salientReader:
        dish = row[0].replace('_', ' ').replace('the ', '').replace('a ', '')
        i += 1
        if i >= 10000:
            print row